Baby Feeding Bank
We provide a range of items to help families during their feeding journeys.
Baby Feeding

We support families through their feeding journey. The following items are available via our Self and Professional Referral Forms:
- Manual breast pumps
- Breast Pads
- Sterilisation equipment
- Bottles
- Muslins and bibs
Introducing Solid Foods

We also provide the following essentials to help families with introducing solid food for those children aged 6 months and above.
- Weaning packs (including cups, plates, bowls, knives, and forks)
- Highchairs
- Tableware
Baby Feeding Bank Donations
We are always incredibly grateful for your donations!
If you are able to make a donation of formula to our Baby Feeding Bank, we are able to accept:
- First Infant Formula only (as this is suitable for babies up to 12 months old)
- Unopened formula that is not damaged or spoiled
- Has a minimum of 3 months before its expiry date.
- Dry-powder (not ready-to-feed formula)
We accept the following first infant formulas as these are most requested by the families we support:
- Aptamil
- Cow & Gate
- Mamia
- Kendamil

Feeding Bank Information for Families
We provide a range of items to help families during their feeding journeys.
The following items are available via our Self and Professional Referral Forms:
- Manual breast pumps
- Breast Pads
- Sterilisation equipment
- Bottles
- Muslins and bibs
Advice on Breastfeeding and Expressing milk at the following link:
Breastfeeding – NHS (
Further support is available locally, before or after your baby is born through Koala North West:
Breastfeeding Support Cheshire – Koala North West – there for you. (
For further information on how you families can safely save money on formula milk, please follow this link:
Save+money+on+infant+milk+safely+01.24.png (1414×2000) (
Information about making up bottles safely and feeding your baby can be found at the following link:
Further information about introducing solid foods, please follow
Weaning – Start for Life – NHS (
Free Open Advice Clinics are available. Further information can be found at the following link:
Open Advice Clinics :: Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (
Babies up to one year of age
Babies who receive all or part of their nutrition from infant formula must have that need met up until the age of 1, when they can transition to full fat cow’s milk.
First infant milk is suitable for babies up to one year
First infant milk, or stage 1 infant formula, usually has a large number 1 on the box or tin. It is suitable for babies up to one year of age.
At KidsBank we can only accept new, unopened first infant formula that has a minimum of 3 months remaining on the use by date.
All infant formula on the UK market must meet compositional regulations, so all products are perfectly ok to feed a baby.
For further information on Infant Formula, please visit the following link:
Infant milks for parents & carers — First Steps Nutrition Trust
Where a baby needs a special formula, they must speak with their health care provider
KidsBank are unable to provide any specialist formula milk.
Yes, food and baby banks can accept and provide formula to families in need
The national and international laws governing infant feeding recognise, and include allowances for, the acceptance and provision of infant formula to formula fed babies.
At KidsBank, we provide first infant formula as it is suitable for babies up to one year of age. We provide first instant formula to those families in need whose baby is established on formula feeding.
We have reviewed guidance from UNICEF and charity Feed in establishing our Baby Feeding Bank
The national and international laws governing infant feeding recognise, and include allowances for, the acceptance and provision of infant formula to formula fed babies.
UNICEF raised concerns that young babies could accidentally be given the wrong kind of formula by volunteers and staff. This is one of the main reasons why many Food and Baby Banks do not provide formula.
When establishing our Baby Feeding Bank, we reviewed UNICEF guidance, along with that of UK charity Feed whose guidelines are endorsed by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service. The guidelines provided by Feed UK are in accordance with the laws governing infant formula, the frameworks described by the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
Our procedures relating to our Baby Feeding Bank are in accordance with the guidance provided by Feed.
We provide weaning packs and equipment to support weaning for children aged 6 months and above
At KidsBank we want to support families through the early stages of feeding by providing essentials for both formula feeding and breast-feeding mums.
We also provide the following essentials to help families with the process for those children aged 6 months and above: weaning
- Weaning packs (including cups, plates, bowls, knives, and forks)
- Highchairs
We are always incredibly grateful for your donations!
If you are able to make a donation of formula to our Baby Feeding Bank, we are able to accept:
- First Infant Formula only (as this is suitable for babies up to 12 months old)
- Unopened formula that is not damaged or spoiled
- Has a minimum of 3 months before its expiry date.
- Dry-powder (not ready-to-feed formula)
We acept the following first infant formulas as these are most requested by the families we support:
- Aptamil
- Cow & Gate
- Mamia
- Kendamil
For information on help with buying food and milk via the NHS Healthy Start programme, please visit the following link:
Supply of First Infant Formula requested as part of a referral
First Infant Formula products will be provided in good condition, and we cannot accept responsibility where they have been inappropriately stored or handled following delivery.
Although we take all reasonable care to ensure that the First Infant Formula supplied is as requested, is supplied within use-by dates and is in good condition, parents are advised to check the product, label, and packaging to ensure prior to use.
Parents are advised to read the product label to ensure they are following the most up-to-date information. This is especially important if a baby has an allergy or intolerance. Allergen information can be found highlighted in the ingredients list on the back of pack.
KidsBank will not be liable, in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence), pre-contract or other representations (other than fraudulent on negligent misrepresentations) or otherwise out of or in connection with the supply of Infant Formula.