
Equal Opportunities Policy

KidsBank Chester

This policy applies to all trustees, staff, volunteers, service users and the general public.


KidsBank Chester believes that no child, individual, or family should be excluded from the charity’s activities on the grounds of age, gender, health or disability, pregnancy, maternity, sexuality, class, family status, means, ability, colour, ethnic origin, culture, religion, or belief. We aim to ensure that all who wish to work in, or volunteer to help with, our charity should have an equal chance to do so. We aim to create effective partnerships within all parts of our community and provide services that are accessible according to need.

KidsBank Chester is committed to:

  • Tackling social exclusion, inequality, discrimination and disadvantage
  • Ensuring all people are treated with dignity and respect, valuing the diversity of all;
  • Promoting equality of opportunity and diversity;
  • Delivering services that are accessible, appropriate and delivered fairly to all;
  • Working together with the community to provide accessible and relevant service provision that responds to service users’ needs;
  • Providing fair resource allocation

For this policy to be successful, it is essential that everyone is committed to and involved in its delivery. KidsBank Chester’s goal is to work towards a just society free from discrimination, harassment and prejudice. KidsBank Chester aims to embed this in all its policies, procedures, day-to-day practices and external relationships.

Responsibility for Implementation 

Overall responsibility for ensuring adherence to and implementation of this policy lies with the trustees, staff and operating committee.

Method of Implementation 

KidsBank Chester implements this policy by:

  • Ensuring that trustees, operating committee members, staff and volunteers are made aware, understand, and are willing to implement, this policy. All staff and volunteers will be given a copy of this policy as part of their induction;
  • Monitoring the services, publicity and events provided by KidsBank Chester, to ensure that they are accessible to all sections of the population and do not discriminate, and taking reasonable steps to ensure that participation is representative.
  • Continuing to learn and adapt to ensure this policy is upheld. Any person who feels that this policy has not been upheld can make a complaint, which will be dealt with in line with KidsBank Chester’s complaints procedure.

Monitoring and Reviewing 

KidsBank Chester is committed to establishing, developing, implementing and reviewing a policy of equality of opportunity. Effective record keeping and monitoring, and acting on information gathered, are essential in order to measure effectiveness and plan progress. The trustee board will review the policy annually.