
Our Mission

KidsBank was established with the mission to alleviate the impact of childhood poverty by providing practical help as quickly as possible. We aim to equip families with the essential resources in order that they can more effectively care for their children.

Sustainable Living and the relief of poverty

KidsBank promotes sustainable living and the relief of poverty by facilitating the recycling of children’s clothing, equipment, and toys. We provide good quality new and pre-owned baby items to families in need with children 0 to 12 years old.

Mental Health

We distribute resources from where they are abundant to where they are lacking, reducing parental stress, anxiety and depression, enabling a sense of value and confidence in the families we support and, in turn, ensuring their children have the essentials for a good start in life.

Our Referral Process

By opting for a referral process we encourage families to communicate and reconnect with their healthcare professionals. We also hope that our referral process will help to increase levels of trust and confidence within the community to improve family engagement with care professionals.

Our Impact

It is only with the help of our community that we can support so many families in need. 

We wish to thank each and every one of you who support us – from our volunteers to our drivers, our donors to our fundraisers, our grant partners to our Trustees, and our wonderful team. 

It is with you all that we can do what we do.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.